Institute:Camosun College
Length of the program:68-hrs
Obtaining energy directly from the sun is becoming more affordable and common place. Using arrays of modules (panels) on roof tops or ground-mounted, the sun’s energy can be converted into electricity to offset home electricity costs. Solar is one of the best ways for builders and homeowners to reach the Net-Zero Energy-Ready target of the BC Energy Step Code for new construction by 2032.
These Micro-Credentials are designed to provide participants with the foundation knowledge required for the design and installation of PV systems. This training will be of interest to trades, professionals and individuals who want to learn more about the application of solar to their building projects and for those contemplating employment in the solar industry.
When taking these Micro-Credentials together, you will first learn about a variety of renewable energy sources, the fundamental terms used in describing power and energy, and how the sun’s energy is captured and stored. Next you will learn all about the fundamental principles of state-of-the-art solar photovoltaics including the application, sale, economics, design, installation, operation and maintenance of PV systems. Lastly, you will be provided with advanced skills to design PV systems including a deeper understanding of codes, standards, permits, construction staging, snow and seismic loads, electrical design, interconnections, storage systems, and storage sizing.
Please refer to the institute's page for information on the price.
Programs and courses are subject to change without notice.